Have Questions About Potenza? Check out this FAQ.

Here are the Top Potenza Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare for my Potenza treatment?

  • Prior to a Potenza treatment, please be sure the area being treated is clean and possibly, depending on your case.
  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours prior to a Potenza treatment.
  • Avoid hot water baths or showers.

It is best to avoid alcohol the night before the treatment and the day of to minimize any inflammation of the skin. Drink plenty of water, avoid hot water on the treated area(s). After washing/cleansing the face and body — do not tug at the skin; instead, gently pat the skin dry (a good rule of thumb for general everyday care).

How does Potenza microneedling differ from regular microneedling?

Potenza is so much more. Like traditional micro-needling, it combines RF Energy and Micro-needling that give results that are superior to traditional micro-needling – a whole different level of technology.

Potenza consists of ultrafine needles and RF energy to penetrate the top layer of the skin and trigger the body’s natural healing process to regenerate new collagen and elastin, which will tighten and firm the skin. Unlike many skin revitalization devices and treatments on the market, Potenza treatments can be performed on all skin types, all skin tones, and almost any external part of the face and body.

How long does the treatment take?

Depending on the number of areas that we are treating, the treatment can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.

What does a Potenza treatment feel like?

A topical numbing cream will be applied prior to the Potenza Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling treatment. Once the skin is sufficiently numb, the microneedling process begins using the Potenza device with ultra-fine needles that penetrate the skin. Some may feel a mild sting, a warm sensation, and light pressure from the needles as the device moves over the treatment area. Some common side effects include slight bleeding and warmness felt during treatment but no significant pain. Most Potenza RF Microneedling treatments take less than 45 minutes.

What does Potenza microneedling treat?

Potenza is a skin revitalizing microneedling treatment by Cynosure Lasers. Potenza effectively targets and minimizes:

  • Scarring of any kind
  • Sun damage; melasma; uneven skin tone
  • Deep lines and wrinkles
  • Stretch marks; skin laxity
  • Persistent inflammation; acnes

What areas can be treated?

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Decolletage
  • Abdomen/Belly
  • Back of arms/Arms

How many treatments should I expect to achieve my results?

For optimal results, you will likely need an initial series of three or four sessions one month apart.

Potenza results are gorgeous. Depending on the client, results are noticeable between 1-3 treatments, with a grace period between treatments. It takes a few weeks for the body to begin replenishing and producing new collagen and elastin after a Potenza treatment.

What does recovery look like? What should I do or not do after treatment?

The treated area will likely be a little reddened with very slight swelling, and can last anywhere between a few hours to 36 hours. You may also have some flaking of the skin as new skin emerges.

Some common side effects include slight bleeding and warmness felt during treatment but no significant pain. Other side effects include mild redness, tingling, and tenderness after treatment. Tiny scabs may appear as your skin heals; these scabs should be left alone and will fall off naturally.

Post-treatment, please wear sunblock from SPF 30+, as well as any post-treatment skincare recommended by our expert provider.

  • Do not scratch or scrub the treated area.
  • Resume normal activities and makeup-use after 24 hours.
  • Please be gentle with the treated area.

We also recommend patients avoid hot showers, strenuous activities, or significant sun exposure for the first 48 hours.

Schedule your free consultation today!

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Dr. Angila Jaeggli