NAD+ Therapy: The Breakthrough Energy Solution for Chronic Fatigue | Patient Success Story

NAD+ Therapy: From Exhaustion to Exuberance – A Life-Changing Journey Imagine waking up every morning feeling like you’ve barely slept, dragging yourself through the day, and missing out on life’s precious moments because you’re too exhausted to participate. Now, picture the opposite: bouncing out of bed, tackling your day with enthusiasm, and having energy left…
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Integrating Wellness: How Integrative Pediatrics Promotes Healthier Lifestyles for Children

Discover how integrative pediatrics enhances children's health in 'Integrating Wellness: How Integrative Pediatrics Promotes Healthier Lifestyles for Children'.
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How Anti-Aging Techniques Can Enhance Immune System Health

Boost your immune system with anti-aging techniques in 'How Anti-Aging Techniques Can Enhance Immune System Health'.
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How Wellness Retreats Can Transform Your Approach to Health and Healing

Transform your approach to health and healing with insights on wellness retreats in 'How Wellness Retreats Can Transform Your Approach to Health and Healing'!
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Understanding the Potency Behind Anti-Aging Techniques in Naturopathy

Discover the power of potenza in our exploration of anti-aging techniques in Naturopathy!
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The Role of Natural Healthcare in Preventing Diseases

Discover the impact of natural healthcare on disease prevention in our blog 'The Role of Natural Healthcare in Preventing Diseases'.
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NAD+ Shots: Your Secret Weapon for Turbocharged Weight Loss

Importance of NAD in Cellular Metabolism NAD, standing for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is like a superhero for our cells. It plays a crucial role in how our cells use energy, which is a big deal for everything our body does, including keeping our metabolism running smoothly. As we get older, our NAD levels start to…
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Integrating Quantum Healing into Your Healthcare Routine for Optimal Health

Explore optimal health with quantum healing in our blog 'Integrating Quantum Healing into Your Healthcare Routine for Optimal Health'.
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From Prevention to Cure: How Health Optimization Can Transform Your Life

Transform your life with health optimization insights from 'From Prevention to Cure: How Health Optimization Can Transform Your Life.'
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Exploring the Fountain of Youth: The Transformative Power of NAD Therapy

NAD therapy is like a superhero for your cells, providing them with the energy they need to keep you feeling young and vibrant. At its core, it’s about using NAD+, a powerful coenzyme that’s essential for energy production and keeping our genetic material in tip-top shape. This form of therapy supercharges our cellular functions, making…
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Integrating Holistic Skin Care into Your Daily Routine for Optimal Wellness

Enhance your wellness with holistic skin care tips from 'Integrating Holistic Skin Care into Your Daily Routine for Optimal Wellness'.
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IV Drip Therapy: What to Expect from Your First Session

Discover what to expect from your first IV drip therapy session in our comprehensive guide 'IV Drip Therapy: What to Expect from Your First Session'.
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What is clinical herbalism?

Clinical herbalism is the practice of using plants and plant extracts to promote health and well-being. It involves evaluating and addressing health concerns through the use of herbal remedies. Holistic in nature, clinical herbalism looks at the whole person rather than just individual symptoms. Herbalists use a combination of knowledge, experience, and intuition to create…
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Importance of a strong immune system

Having a strong immune system is crucial for fighting off illnesses and staying healthy. A robust immune system helps your body defend against harmful pathogens, viruses, and bacteria. If your immune system is not functioning well, you may be more susceptible to getting sick frequently. To support your immune system, it’s important to consume a…
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Understanding natural hormone therapy

Natural hormone therapy involves using bioidentical hormones that are identical to the hormones produced by the human body. These hormones are derived from natural sources like plants and are used to balance hormone levels in the body. Natural hormone therapy is often sought out as a holistic approach to managing hormone-related conditions because it aims…
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The Benefits of Detoxification Therapy in Holistic Medicine

Discover the advantages of detoxification therapy in holistic medicine on 'The Benefits of Detoxification Therapy in Holistic Medicine' blog.
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Embracing Holistic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Eczema Treatment

Embracing Holistic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Eczema Treatment

Eczema makes your skin go “I’m so itchy!” It’s like your skin is throwing a fit, getting all red, inflamed, and sometimes even oozing a bit. Imagine wearing a sweater that’s way too scratchy, and no matter how much you tug and pull, it just won’t stop itching. That’s eczema. It can pop up on…
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Natural Scents: A Healthier Choice for You and the Environment

Embracing Natural Scents: A Healthier Choice for You and the Environment

Ever wondered why your shampoo, or that candle you love, smells so good? Well, it’s often thanks to synthetic fragrances, which are crafted in labs from a whole bunch of chemicals. These fragrances can make our products smell amazing, but there’s a downside. Studies have shown that these man-made scents might not be all that…
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Optimizing Wellness: The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Cleanse and Diet

Optimizing Wellness: The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Cleanse and Diet

This article provides an introduction to parasite cleansing and diet, including the understanding of parasites and their impact, the science behind parasite cleanses, and diet and supplement recommendations for effective parasite cleansing, emphasizing the importance of consulting healthcare professionals for safe and personalized guidance. Parasite cleansing is like a spring cleaning for your body, but…
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Eating Clean: Navigating the Dirty Dozen List for Healthier Choices

Eating Clean: Navigating the Dirty Dozen List for Healthier Choices

Have you ever wondered if the fruits and veggies you munch on could be hiding something not-so-good for you? Well, that’s where the Dirty Dozen List comes into play. This list is like a guide that tells us which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticide residues. It’s a big deal because it helps us…
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Empowering Wellness: Natural Remedies for Black Mold Symptoms

Empowering Wellness: Natural Remedies for Black Mold Symptoms

Discover the symptoms of black mold exposure and explore 12 natural remedies to alleviate these symptoms and promote overall wellness, including herbal remedies, dietary supplements, and lifestyle changes, while also emphasizing the importance of early detection and professional assistance in managing black mold exposure. Introduction to Black Mold Symptoms and Remedies Imagine walking into your…
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Healing from Mold Toxicity: Recognizing Symptoms and Effective Treatment

Healing from Mold Toxicity: Recognizing Symptoms and Effective Treatment

Mold toxicity is sneaky and more common than you might think, lurking in the cozy corners of our homes and workplaces, waiting for the perfect condition to bloom. This isn’t just a small issue—mold thrives in warm, damp environments and can seriously mess with our health. Especially if you’re someone who already fights with allergies,…
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Explore the versatility of VIP - Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide and its impact on health, including its diverse roles in different bodily systems, its functions in the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, and its association with various health conditions. Introduction to VIP - Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide, or VIP, is a super cool hormone that's mostly made in our gut and brain. Imagine it as a tiny superhero, rushing through your body to deliver important messages between your nerves and other parts! Because VIP works so fast, it only sticks around in your blood for about two minutes before it moves on to its next mission. VIP is like the conductor of an orchestra, making sure everything in your body works in harmony. It has a big job, and how much VIP you have is controlled by lots of different things. This shows us just how special and important VIP really is. Understanding VIP's Functions and Roles VIP is not just any hormone; it's like the Swiss Army knife of hormones. In the brain, it helps us feel and think by acting as a neurotransmitter. This means it helps send signals that can affect our mood and how we see the world. But wait, there's more! VIP also plays a big part in keeping us healthy by controlling inflammation and helping our immune system fight off germs. Plus, it's like a cheerleader for our heart, telling the blood vessels to relax so more blood and oxygen can flow through, keeping our heart happy and healthy. VIP in the Nervous System and Gastrointestinal Tract Imagine VIP as a traffic cop in your body's nervous system, directing how we feel pain. It helps make sure that when we get hurt, the pain signal gets through, so we know to take care of ourselves. In our tummies, VIP is super busy too! It helps our digestive system move food along so we can get all the good nutrients out of what we eat. It also tells our stomach and intestines to make juices and enzymes that break down food, making sure we get all the energy we need from our meals. Health Conditions Associated with VIP Sometimes, things can go a bit wonky with VIP. For example, a rare tumor called [VIPoma]( makes too much VIP, which can cause a lot of bathroom troubles and make people feel really sick. On the flip side, not having enough VIP might be linked to tummy troubles like IBS, making eating a lot less fun. Scientists are also looking into how VIP might play a role in autoimmune diseases, where the body's defense system gets confused and starts attacking itself. This could mean VIP has a big part in keeping our immune system in check. The Importance of Measuring VIP Levels Knowing how much VIP we have in our blood can tell doctors a lot about our health. It can help them figure out if someone has VIPoma or other neuroendocrine tumors, which are like bad guys causing trouble in the hormone world. Researchers are also super interested in VIP because changes in its levels might help us understand brain diseases better. This could lead to new ways to help people feel better. Integrative Approaches to Managing VIP-Related Conditions Dealing with VIP-related health issues might mean using a mix of different treatments. Things like acupuncture and eating right can work alongside regular medicine to help people manage their conditions better. Doing stuff like yoga, meditation, or just taking it easy can also make a big difference in how we feel. Because VIP connects the brain and the gut, taking care of both our mental and physical health is super important. Conclusion: Exploring the Versatility of VIP in Health VIP is like a superhero in our bodies, doing a ton of important jobs that help us stay healthy and feel good. The more we learn about VIP, the more we see how everything in our body is connected. As science gets better at understanding VIP, we might find new ways to treat diseases and keep people feeling their best. So, let's keep our eyes peeled for what's next in the amazing world of VIP! And if you're curious to learn more about how to keep your VIP levels happy and healthy, check out Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic for some cool health tips and tricks.

Unveiling the Versatility of VIP: From Gut Health to Neurological Balance

Explore the versatility of VIP – Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide and its impact on health, including its diverse roles in different bodily systems, its functions in the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, and its association with various health conditions. Introduction to VIP – Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide, or VIP, is a super cool hormone…
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Eating Safely: Navigating the Dirty Dozen List for Pesticide-Free Produce

Eating Safely: Navigating the Dirty Dozen List for Pesticide-Free Produce

Ever wonder why some fruits and veggies in the grocery store might be better for your health than others? Well, it’s all about the pesticides! The Dirty Dozen list is like a handy guide to help us figure out which fruits and vegetables have the most pesticides on them. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a…
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Revolutionizing Type 2 Diabetes Care with Mounjaro: A Comprehensive Guide

Revolutionizing Type 2 Diabetes Care with Mounjaro: A Comprehensive Guide

Mounjaro offers multiple benefits for managing type 2 diabetes, including improved blood sugar control, potential reversal of the condition, weight loss, and reduced hypoglycemia rates compared to insulin. Introduction to Mounjaro Mounjaro, also known as tirzepatide, marked a significant breakthrough in the treatment of type 2 diabetes when it received FDA approval in the spring…
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Mounjaro: The Ultimate Weight Loss Medication Revolution

Mounjaro: The Ultimate Weight Loss Medication Revolution

An overview of Mounjaro, a potential game-changer in weight loss medications, its mechanism of action, and a comparison with Ozempic and Wegovy. Introduction to Mounjaro and Weight Loss Medications In the evolving world of medical weight loss solutions, Mounjaro emerges as a beacon of hope for many looking for effective treatment options. Its burgeoning popularity…
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Guarding Against Moldy Menace: Safeguarding Your Health from Moldy Food

Guarding Against Moldy Menace: Safeguarding Your Health from Moldy Food

This article provides information on moldy food, including the health risks of consuming it, identifying common types of mold on food, preventing mold growth, safe handling of moldy food, and when to discard moldy food to avoid health issues. Imagine you’re about to make a sandwich, you reach for the bread, and surprise! It’s not…
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Empowering Yourself Against Black Mold: 12 Natural Remedies & Prevention Strategies

Empowering Yourself Against Black Mold: 12 Natural Remedies & Prevention Strategies

This article provides an overview of black mold symptoms, the health risks associated with black mold exposure, and natural remedies to alleviate these symptoms, as well as tips for preventing black mold growth in your home. Understanding the Dangers of Black Mold Exposure Black mold, or Stachybotrys chartarum, stands out due to its dark greenish-black…
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Unveiling the Power of VIP: A Comprehensive Guide to Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide

Unveiling the Power of VIP: A Comprehensive Guide to Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide

Discover the diverse functions and therapeutic potential of VIP (Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide), a neuropeptide hormone that plays a crucial role in various physiological functions, including immune regulation, smooth muscle relaxation, and gastrointestinal coordination. Introduction to Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP) is a 28-amino acid neuropeptide hormone that plays a pivotal role in…
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Healing from Mold Toxicity: Recognizing Symptoms and Taking Action

Healing from Mold Toxicity: Recognizing Symptoms and Taking Action

The phrase “mold toxicity” might evoke a sense of dread, and understandably so. The idea of falling ill due to mold is intriguing when it’s a plot point in a medical drama, but experiencing it in real life is something we all wish to avoid. Fortunately, there is hope. Being aware of the signs and…
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The Truth About Colon Cleansing: Separating Facts from Myths

The Truth About Colon Cleansing: Separating Facts from Myths

Colon cleansing is a practice that involves the introduction of fluids into the colon through the rectum to expel waste and toxins from the body. This method, also referred to as colonic treatment, hydro colon therapy, or colon detox, aims to clear the colon to improve digestive health and well-being. Originating from ancient Greece, the…
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Understanding Black Mold: Risks, Health Effects & Prevention

Understanding Black Mold: Risks, Health Effects & Prevention

Black mold is a type of fungus that can trigger an immune response. Typical reactions include sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion, and irritation of the eyes. It seldom leads to severe sickness or fatality, but it can exacerbate symptoms of asthma. While there is no cure for an allergy to black mold, a healthcare professional can…
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Unlocking the Power of IV Ozone Therapy: 4 Key Health Benefits Revealed

Discover the top 4 benefits of IV ozone therapy, including enhanced oxygenation, immune system support, detoxification, and anti-inflammatory effects, and learn about its safety and efficacy as a natural healing approach at Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic. IV Ozone Therapy: A Natural Approach to Health and Healing Understanding IV Ozone Therapy Ozone, a highly reactive form…
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Avoid The Winter Blues: Strategies for Overcoming Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) with Dr. Becky Hoppins

Introduction: Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that usually hits during the winter months when daylight becomes scarce.It can drastically impact mental health, leading to changes in mood, energy, and daily routines. It’s estimated that millions of people are affected by SAD each year, making it a…
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Elevate Your Immunity: 7 Science-Backed Tips to Stay Healthy This Season

The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping, and cold and flu season is ramping up. But don’t let the winter blues get you down! In this article, we’ll explore 7 research-backed ways you can elevate your immunity and thrive this season. I recently released a podcast episode all about immune-boosting hacks and holistic…
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No Surgery, No Worries: Your Solution to Knee Pain Relief

Knee Pain Got You Down? Try These Natural, Non-Surgical Solutions If you’re dealing with knee pain, you know just how frustrating it can be. It can throw your whole life off balance, making it tough to do the activities you love. But before you resign yourself to a life of discomfort, know there are powerful…
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Stay Strong and Thrive this Fall: Unlock the Immune-Boosting Power of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and B Vitamins

Are you ready to power up your immune system and tackle the fall season head-on? Well, I’ve got three super vitamins that you absolutely must boost to stay in tip-top shape. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey into the world of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and B vitamins – the ultimate trio of immune-boosting powerhouses!…
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Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow? Unpacking the Science of Hair Loss and Restoration

Hey there, lovely readers! Have you ever been in the middle of your morning routine, running a brush through your hair, only to find more strands tangled in the bristles than you’d like? If you’ve been noticing an unsettling increase in hair fall or thinning patches, first off—breathe. You’re not alone in this, and science…
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From Summer Fun’ to Fall Fitness: Your Guide to Get Your Fitness Back on Track🍁💪

🌟 We get it—summer is all about the BBQs, beach trips, and chillin’ in the sun. Your routines? Yeah, they take a backseat. But guess what? Fall is knocking at our door, and it’s the perfect time to hit the “reset” button on our wellness journey. 🍂 The Summer-to-Fall Shift 🌞➡️🍁Ah, the laid-back summer vibe.…
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Gluten’s Hidden Impact: Unpacking Intolerances & Celiac Disease

Gluten’s Hidden Impact: What You Need to Know! Hey friends! 🌟 Ever noticed that tiny word on food labels – gluten? Or maybe you’ve heard someone say, “I can’t eat that; it has gluten!” But what is this mysterious thing called gluten? And why does it matter to some people? Grab a snack (gluten-free or…
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Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally

🎉🎉🎉 Buh-bye sluggish days! Hello, boundless energy! In this blog, we’re going to spill the beans on how to tap into that feel-good energy that’s all natural, no caffeine required. We’ve got five fantastic tips to share with you. So let’s put on our detective hats and unlock the secret to a zestier you. 🏃‍♀️1.…
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Thriving on the Go: 6 Key Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

Hello, health-conscious globetrotters! Fasten your seatbelts and secure your tray tables because we’re ready for takeoff! We’re going on a wellness expedition like no other, helping you stay fit and fabulous no matter where your travels lead. Wanderlust meets wellness in this ultimate guide to a healthy life on the go. We know the drill.…
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The Perfect Duo: Semaglutide and Power Habits for Lasting Transformation

Are you ready to transform your health journey, not just for a short stint but for a lifetime? Yep, you’ve heard it right! It’s time to elevate and thrive with a game-changing health revolution! 💪🌟 Say hello to semaglutide, your super buddy in your weight loss journey. Just imagine, it’s like a friendly assistant helping…
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Discover the Revolutionary Vascular Regeneration Therapy: A Game-Changer in Treating Erectile Dysfunction

Hey there! Welcome friends to our Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic blog. We understand that erectile dysfunction (ED) is a sensitive topic for many men and can significantly impact their lives. That’s why we’re excited to share with you an innovative, non-invasive treatment that’s changing the landscape of ED treatment: Vascular Regeneration Therapy, also known as…
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Riding the Wave to Wellness: Unpacking the Power of Shockwave Therapy

Let’s take a deep dive into a treatment that’s making waves in the healthcare world—literally! It’s called Shockwave Therapy, and it might just be the game-changer you’ve been waiting for. Remember, our bodies are marvelous machines. They have the unique ability to repair themselves from a variety of injuries and ailments. However, sometimes, our bodies…
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Energize Your Athletic Performance with NAD Therapy: Unleash Your Inner Champion!

Are you an athlete looking to take your performance to the next level? Look no further than NAD therapy! In this exciting episode of Sage Health TV, we dive into the world of NAD therapy and its incredible benefits for athletes. Get ready to unleash your inner champion and supercharge your athletic performance like never…
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Sage VIP App Install Guide and Walkthrough

Watch this short walkthrough on how to sign up for your free Sage VIP account and install the app on your mobile device.
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Supercharge Your Healing: Unleashing the Power of Cutting-Edge Therapies

🎉 Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Bouncing Back from Injuries! 🎉 In this blog, we’re breaking down an amazing podcast episode all about how you can heal faster, feel your best, and even prevent future injuries! 💪 So let’s dive in and explore these super cool tools that can help you create a customized…
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Testosterone: The Superhero of Men’s Health, Performance, and Libido! 💪

Hey there, guys! Today, we’re going to talk about something really important for your health and happiness: testosterone! Testosterone is like a superhero in your body, helping you feel strong, full of energy, and ready for action. 🦸‍♂️ So, let’s learn more about this amazing hormone and how you can make sure you have plenty…
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Unlock the Power of NAD IV Therapy: Boost Your Energy, Enhance Mental Clarity, and Slow Down Aging

Are you tired of feeling constantly drained, struggling to focus, or simply seeking a solution to slow down the aging process? NAD IV therapy is a breakthrough treatment that has been making waves in the wellness industry for its wide array of health benefits. From supercharging your energy levels to sharpening your cognitive function, NAD…
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Revitalize Your Life! Men’s Health Guide to Conquer Low Testosterone & Boost Energy

Vitality, that elusive concept we all seek – feeling amazing and having optimal energy levels, both mentally and physically. It’s the state of being that allows us to seize the day and make the most of our lives. But for men, this often means grappling with an invisible foe: low testosterone. In this blog post,…
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Transform Your Weight Loss Journey with a Shift in Mindset and Cutting-Edge Solutions

The quest for weight loss and improved body composition is a journey that many embark on in the pursuit of better health, increased confidence, and overall well-being. If you’ve been struggling to achieve your goals, it’s time to take a fresh look at the strategies you’re using and adopt a new perspective. In this blog…
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Semaglutide: Weight Loss Gamechanger?

If you’ve been searching for a safe, effective weight loss solution, then semaglutide might be an ideal fit for you. This innovative medication is designed to help you reach your weight goals safely and quickly. Here are three ways that semaglutide can help you achieve your weight goals: Semaglutide has been nothing short of a…
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How the V-Shot Can Increase Orgasms and Rejuvenate the Vagina

Do you sometimes feel like your sex life could be better? Or that you’re not enjoying your orgasms as much as you used to? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, according to a recent study, 43% of women report some sort of sexual dysfunction. But here’s the good news: there’s now a safe…
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Relieve Muscle Pain and Improve Mobility with Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger Point Therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on specific areas of the body experiencing pain or discomfort. It involves finding and relieving trigger points, which are discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle. Trigger Point Therapy is effective in relieving a variety of conditions such as neck…
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PRP Therapy: The Non-Surgical Solution For Knee Pain Relief

Knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults. The prevalence of knee pain has increased by almost 65% over the past 20 years, accounting for nearly 4 million primary care visits annually. The knee is typically symptomatic with arthritis, resulting in pain and functional impairment. Other common injuries of the knee include meniscal tears, tendon tears…
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Autoimmune Disease: The 5 Main Causes of Autoimmunity & How to Reverse It

What is autoimmunity (autoimmune disease)? In response to an unknown trigger, the immune system may begin producing antibodies that instead of fighting infections, attack the body’s own tissues. Examples of autoimmune diseases include: Hashimotos thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, among others. Standard treatment of autoimmunity is to shut down the immune system, which comes…
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How to Naturally Boost Metabolism & Burn More Fat

How to Boost Metabolism for Fat Loss A lot of people think that the only way to lose weight is by going on a crash diet and exercising like crazy. However, what they don’t realize is that there are other ways to boost metabolism and achieve fat loss. In this blog post, we will be…
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How to Naturally Balance Hormones During Perimenopause & Menopause

At any stage of life, maintaining healthy hormone levels is important for optimal health and well-being. But this becomes especially important during menopause when ovaries start producing lower levels of estrogen and progesterone. There are a number of different treatment options for managing perimenopause and menopause symptoms, including herbal remedies, dietary changes, exercise, acupuncture, and…
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Everything You Need to Know About Food Allergies & How to Treat Them

Food allergies can be difficult to deal with and navigate. At Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic, our naturopathic doctors in Edmonds, WA, can help you identify your specific food triggers and create a personalized elimination diet that can help you heal and reduce inflammation. Food allergies are characterized by a negative immune response to certain types…
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Why We’re Obsessed with Glutathione the ‘Super Antioxidant’

At Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic, we are passionate about the powerful effects of glutathione – also known as the “super antioxidant”. This powerful anti-aging compound is critical for the health of our cells and plays a key role in supporting a wide range of conditions, from chronic fatigue and immune disorders to neurological conditions. As…
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Should You Get Trigger Point Injection Therapy for Relief of Neck, Back, or Shoulder Pain?

If you are struggling with chronic pain, particularly in the neck, back, or shoulders, trigger point injection therapy may be the solution for you. At our naturopathic medical clinic in Edmonds, WA, our team at Sage can help you find long-lasting pain relief with our customized treatment plans. Whether you have been dealing with chronic…
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Top 6 Naturopathic Wellness Tips for Men’s Health

It’s Men’s Health Month and we’re on a mission to keep guys healthy! On our latest episode of SGTV, we cover our top 6 tips for men’s health this month.   Of course, healthy habits help men stay in better health as they age, but what habits should they be cultivating exactly? Here are our…
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Feeling Better After Getting Sick: Here’s How to Speed Up Your Recovery

Illness can be a stressful and draining experience even for the most healthy people. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with an illness, it’s important to take steps to stay healthy. While there’s no way to completely prevent illnesses, keeping your immune system strong can help protect you from infections. To stay healthy while you’re recovering,…
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The Ultimate Guide To Healthy, Beautiful, Acne-Free Skin

This guide will teach you how to have healthy beautiful acne-free skin. It will cover the latest naturopathic breakthroughs for acne treatments and our unique approach to solving this issue. We will also cover other treatment options to restore skin vitality, beauty, and overall appearance. So what is acne anyway? The word acne is used…
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Have Questions About Potenza? Check out this FAQ.

Here are the Top Potenza Frequently Asked Questions How do I prepare for my Potenza treatment? Prior to a Potenza treatment, please be sure the area being treated is clean and possibly, depending on your case. Avoid alcohol 24 hours prior to a Potenza treatment. Avoid hot water baths or showers. It is best to…
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The 5 Main Causes of Autoimmunity & How to Reverse It

By Dr. Angila Jaeggli What is autoimmunity (autoimmune disease)? In response to an unknown trigger, the immune system may begin producing antibodies that instead of fighting infections, attack the body’s own tissues. Examples of autoimmune diseases include: Hashimotos thyroiditis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, among others. Standard treatment of autoimmunity is to shut down the…
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How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

With every new year, most of us look upon the new year and reflect on how we want the year to look. Most times the version of the new year includes a new and improved version of yourself (so in shape that you could be in a magazine, right?), taking amazing trips with friends and…
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How to Naturally Relieve Painful Periods

Welcome back to Sage Health TV! In this episode of Sage Health TV, I’m going to be talking about helpful tips to relieve horrible menstrual cramps and painful periods. Every month some of us ladies may deal with a combination of different symptoms during our moon week such as irritability, breast tenderness, depression/ anxiety, painful…
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Set Your 2022 Health Goals: 5 Ways to Find Balance, Boost Vitality, and Feel Rejuvenated

It’s hard to believe that 2021 is our rearview mirror, and that we are ready to embrace a new year. For many, 2021 was not the easiest of years – full of uncertainties and unknowns. But within all of this, I believe there are some inklings of promise of good to come. We are learning…
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Movember – The Time to Celebrate Men’s Health

November has become the month to bring awareness to the importance of men’s health and preventative screenings for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental and physical health wellness in men. Men, if you are 50 or older, and if you haven’t already this year, this is a great reminder to make an appointment with your doctor…
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How to Naturally Boost Metabolism in Men

What is metabolism? Basically, Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Typically, when people want to increase their metabolism, they are looking to do either one of two things (or both): 1) Optimize weight loss, and/or 2) Convert more of what they are eating to energy,…
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Platelet Rich Plasma: A Powerful Treatment for Hair Loss and Pattern Baldness with Men and Women

Most people don’t know that there are natural ways to support hair regrowth that are effective and safe. Hair loss can be concerning, even if it’s expected — say, due to a family history of hair loss. Ideally, you want to explore possible underlying causes for hair loss (that I mention below), in addition to…
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How to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

Happy Fall Everyone!             In this episode of SageHealth TV, we talk about natural ways to boost your immune system.  With the cold weather back in the Pacific Northwest, and everyone going back into school and work, what better time to fuel our immune system to prevent infections.  Let’s dive in! So first off, it’s…
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How to Treat Toxic Mold: PART 3

Mold specific treatments As mycotoxins can hide in recesses of the sinuses and gut both of these areas need to be treated. Treatments we have found to work effectively include:  Compounded nasal sprays with direct antifungals and compounds to help break down biofilms are another defense mechanism of many biotoxins.  Oral antifungals:  Herbal Options such…
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How to Treat Toxic Mold Exposure Part 2

Now that the tests have been run and the diagnosis confirmed… What next? We are relieved  to say there are many highly effective  treatments to support the detoxification and healing from Mold-related illness / Mycotoxicity.  The treatments are targeted to both alleviate symptoms, such as brain fog, fatigue, achy joints, and the long list of…
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Here’s what you need to know about testing and diagnosing mold exposure. Mold Toxicity Series: Symptoms and Extensive Testing Overview- Part One By Dr. Angila Jaeggli, ND Most people are unaware that significant mold exposure and toxicity can cause serious illness, or exacerbate the symptoms from another chronic illness (such as worsening of autoimmunity). The…
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Tour Sage Medical Clinic with Dr. Angila Jaeggli

Sage Integrative Medicine Clinic is a naturopathic clinic in Edmonds, WA. We offer many different services including medical acupuncture; herbal medicine consultations; personalized medical plans, and nutritional counseling. Our staff are all licensed Naturopaths who have been practicing for years and are passionate about helping people find health through natural means!
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How To Boost Metabolism for Women Over 40

Everyone hears that metabolism starts to shift once you reach 40, but it doesn’t seem like such a big deal until you start to experience it. Am I right ladies? And if you’re a mom like me, you end up spending much of your metabolism boosting time (working out, meal prepping) on your littles (which is…
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Do You Need a Heavy Metal Detox?

Autoimmunity? Memory change? Cardiovascular disease? Or just wanting to improve your chance of longevity? — You absolutely need to get the Lead out. By Dr. Angila Jaeggli, ND Do you know your lead and mercury levels in your body? If you have any of these inflammatory disorders… Autoimmunity, Diabetes, Memory disorders, Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Hypertension,…
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How To Increase Your Metabolism!

In this episode of SageHealth TV, I’m going to be talking about how to improve your metabolism. When I work with my patients on metabolic support, it is important to me to empower my patients to make lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime as opposed to rapid weight loss that is often short lived.…
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Understanding Your Lymph System

The lymphatic system is spread out throughout the entire body and is part of your immune system and circulatory system.  It is made up of lymph nodes, tissues, and organs such as the spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, and thymus gland.  Lymph nodes can be felt around your head, neck, inguinal area, and armpit.  Often, when…
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Why You Should Consider Getting a Personalized Spring Detox Plan

Spring is a great time to think about cleansing and detoxing. This time is about renewal and rejuvenation! And I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use a cleansing of this past year! Most of us have done a cleanse or detox in some form – maybe fasting for a day, or drinking liver…
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How to Improve Your Sleep

Happy Spring everyone! We hope that everyone is safe and enjoying this beautiful sunny weather.  In this episode, I am going to be discussing sleep; what factors affect sleep and cause insomnia, and how you can improve your sleep.  Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders and affects 1/3 of the general population. …
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IV Vitamin Therapy: Your Questions Answered

Boosting energy? Check. Healthier skin? Check. Boosting your immune system? Check. Curing that Sunday- morning hangover? Check. IV Vitamin Therapy  has gained popularity over the years, has taken the once cringe-worthy experience of being stuck with a needle and turned it into a wellness regimen-must. It’s even got a long list of A-list celebrities —…
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What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Ever have that stubborn shoulder, neck, or muscle pain that just won’t go away no matter how many massages or other body work treatments you receive?  Ever feel a knot in the center at the top of your shoulders or in a muscle that causes pain when you touch it? These are conditions in which…
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How to Pick Your Top Health Goals for 2021

The Top 5 Health Goals for 2021: How to Pick What’s Right for You   by Dr. Angila Jaeggli, ND   I don’t think anyone can say 2020 has been easy, and most of us are ready to put 2020 in our rearview mirror. But with a new year, comes new hope, and a readiness…
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Big News: Sage Integrative is Moving to Edmonds Waterfront

We are so excited to announce that we are moving our clinic to beautiful downtown Edmonds near the water!   We are so grateful to be a part of your health team, and we look forward to continuing to serve you at our new location.   Please take note of the following: new address, moving…
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How Stress Negatively Impacts Your Hormones

To say stress has been high for most people in 2020 is an understatement in the least. Most of us can guess how additional stress might affect one in some ways – tight muscles, difficulty sleeping or having feelings of anxiety. However, there is an underlying process also occurring in the body, that absolutely impacts…
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A Three Phase Approach to Losing the Quarantine 19 (Pounds)

What a strange time in the world this has been! Stress has been high, and one of the easy comforts and pleasures has been food for many of us. One of the unfortunate side effects of this has been a slow and steady weight gain over the past months. Too many hours with Netflix and…
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Suicide: How We Can Do Our Part to Help Curb this Tragic Epidemic

As we enter October it is hard to believe how much has happened in our world over the last 7 months.  These massive shifts happening both locally and globally, have shaken the foundation for many when it comes to our health, overall well being, and even survival for some. There are fears around whether we…
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Three Top Pain & Fatigue Treatments You Likely Haven’t Considered

Pain is draining. And most people who are in chronic pain, also experience fatigue. They tend to go hand in hand. There are many approaches to both pain and fatigue, most which address one or the other. I’d like to review a few approaches for both that you likely have not considered, or even heard…
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Treating Low Thyroid and Still Fatigued? Here’s What You’re Likely Missing

Let’s talk about Megan. She works out. She restricts her eating to 1,200 calories per day. She’s done paleo and the keto diet. And she’s exhausted and hasn’t lost any weight. Know anyone like Megan? Maybe it’s you? I feel like we see many women (and men!) with Megan’s issue, and have started to really…
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The Top 5 Energy Killers and What You Can Do to Fix Them

We often hear about ways we can improve energy, but not necessarily what it is that is bringing our energy down. Let’s explore the top reasons that might be making you feel fatigued. And remember, you can have more than one! Energy Killer #1: You lack sufficient Energy Vitamin levels.  Given the state of many…
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The Top Five Tips to Boost Your Energy TODAY

Here’s the big issue with low energy…. When you’re feeling low energy, it’s difficult to take the other wellness aspects of your life to the next level.  When you’re tired, it’s hard to work out, hard to eat well, and hard to stay motivated. I find fatigue to be the number one issue we see…
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Why Energy Boost B-shots Are Great to Fight Fatigue

You’ve probably heard of B-vitamin shots that help energy… but not all B-shots are created equal! From years of experience, we have found a great B-vitamin shot combination that can super boost energy– much better than just B12-shots alone. We are now offering this combination – our Energy Boost B-shot – at a special rate,…
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Gas & Bloating: What your gas is trying to tell you

Everyone has gas. This is normal. But not everyone has excessive gas…  gas that is painful, gas that smells like you ate old eggs, and gas that makes you look 9 months pregnant. If this is happening to you, as they like to say at NASA, ‘Houston, we have a problem.’ Typically, gas is nonspecific.…
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Understanding Corona Virus (Covid-19) Antibody Testing

Numerous Corona virus antibody tests have become available to the public over the past week and as with most information regarding this virus there are lots of unknowns.  More will be known as data is gathered  and a deeper understanding of this virus and the way in which  our immune system responds continues to unfold. …
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Proactive Steps for Staying Healthy With Winter Coming

Whether or not you choose to get a flu vaccine,  it is important to remember that the flu and other viruses are opportunistic. This means that people with weakened defenses are more likely to contract the flu and/ or present with more severe symptoms for a longer duration. There is much debate over how necessary…
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Why You Should Be Gluten Free

Being ‘gluten-free’ has become a bit of a trend, leaving many people feeling like it is has been made up by people, or is just a fad. I receive this question quite a bit in my practice, ‘Is being gluten-free really necessary?’ And the unfortunate answer is yes; that even if you don’t have an…
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The Top 5 Lab Tests You Need To Figure Out Chronic Fatigue (and start feeling like yourself again)

From the desk of the “energy doctor” Dr. Angila Jaeggli: Hey friend, have you ever had the experience of feeling exhausted, going to see your doctor, and being told that all of your bloodwork was ‘fine’? Or that it was natural to be tired because you’re getting ‘older’ (that one is my favorite – not!).…
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How To Stop S.A.D and Beat the Winter Blues By Tricking Your Body Into Thinking It’s Still Summer

Winter Blues or  Seasonal Affective Disorder- Tips to Thrive in the Darker Colder Months During the darker days of fall and winter, it is not uncommon for people to report feeling low energy, tired, and even “depressed”. For many, it’s a natural response to shorter days and less sunlight, but for others, it can be a…
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Probiotics: Do You Really Need Them (or can you just use food)?

Do probiotics really help my gut heal? Do I really need to take a probiotic to be healthy? What kind of probiotic is best? Can’t I just eat foods instead? These are some of the most common questions I receive from my patients.  Well, I’m here to tell you that not only are they helpful…
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5 Tips on How to Get Your Health Back on Track After Too Much Summer Fun

1) Start a Detox  Detox diets are a great way to reset our sugar and carb cravings, reduce inflammation, cleanse from our personal food allergens and to move toxins (from chemicals, metals, excess hormones, etc) from our bodies. While it is true that a longer detox will provide more benefit, even a 3-day cleanse can…
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How to Use Meditation for Healing & Happiness

Today, I love meditation…but I haven’t always loved it. In the past, it felt like another time-eating activity, with little real benefit. Then something changed. I kept hearing from the leaders in medicine and business that I respected – Dr. Paul Anderson, Dr. Mark Hyman, Vishen Lashanki, Dr. Joe Dispensa, Tim Ferris – that it…
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10 Lab Tests You Need If You Are Feeling Depressed

Read this before taking antidepressants or if you are already taking them. Have you seen your doctor with a list of symptoms, some perhaps vague, that include fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, sleep issues, lack of libido and been told something like:  “There is nothing wrong with you; you are just depressed”.   This is often…
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AN END TO PAIN: Integrative & Functional Medicine Solutions For Lasting Pain Relief

A Guide to Help You Understand Why You Are in Pain and How to Heal From It Understanding Pain Pain has a purpose. It is a survival mechanism designed to tell us something is not right, and once a signal is sent to our brain that we are being harmed (or harm is perceived) we…
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The Ultimate Doctor Developed Guide to Intermittent Fasting: A Great Long-term Strategy For Weight Loss

Nearly everyone has heard of the Intermittent Fasting Diet by now or ‘IF’ing’, even if not necessarily clear on what it is. Some have heard about it from popular Bulletproof Coffee guru Dave Asprey, or exploring Paleo or Whole30, but don’t know much about it beyond that. Considered as controversial as it is revolutionary, Intermittent…
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How to Boost Metabolism & Burn Fat With Lipotropic (Fat Burning) B-Shots

You’ve probably heard of the B-vitamin shot that helps to burn fat… it exists! However, it’s not magic, but it will improve your body’s ability to use fat for fuel. Lipotropic B- shots are unique in that they help to boost fat metabolism, by helping the liver to metabolize fat, and the muscle cells to…
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9 Tips For a Spring Detox

It’s common to do a spring clean for our home. After a long dark winter we want to open all the windows, dust out all the cobwebs, and let the fresh air in.     Why not do the same for your body?   During the winter months it’s easy to eat heavier foods and…
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Is The Weed Killer Round Up Making You Sick?

As a mom, I’m always worried about the toxins our children could accidentally get exposed to…One of the most common and dangerous environmental toxins is the popular weed killer Round Up.It could actually be sabotaging the health and wellness of you and your family (children are especially vulnerable).Recently I discovered research that linked the main chemical…
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Five Fast Ways Busy Mom’s Can Naturally Boost Energy, Banish Brain Fog & Feel Fantastic

Moms. We start early. We end late. And when most people see us in action, they assume we’ve got super powers, and super energy to go along with it. But most mom’s are living the well-known maxim, ‘Fake it til’ you make it.’.  Although the ‘make it’ might be everyone eating leftover spaghetti, wearing crumpled…
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Ozone Therapy is an almost ‘magical’ sounding treatment that most people haven’t ever heard of. Which needs to change because Ozone Therapy can help improve so many conditions including inflammation, infection, gut health, athletic performance, brain function and more! Tune in and learn about the top 5 ways Ozone can help heal our bodies. Want…
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SAGE TV: The Truth About Sleep and Energy

Join Dr Angila on the SGTV Heatlh Booster exploring different energy killers…this week she talks about sleep, it’s importance and how to get more health benefits from bedtime.
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A Functional Medicine Approach to Hashimoto’s Disease

It is estimated that over 14 million Americans have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, one of the leading causes of Low Thyroid function, and yet this number is only a small fraction of those who actually have the disease.      Are you one of these people who experience symptoms including extreme fatigue, weight gain…
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How To Fight Pain Naturally with Systemic Ozone Therapy

Our bodies have natural mechanisms to regenerate and renew themselves. This is the single most important aspect that keeps us, young, healthy and energetic. However, we fall sick because our body’s potential to regenerate itself has been inhibited. Fortunately, there exists a little known medical procedure that can help restore this vitality. It is referred…
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Seasonal Allergies

Every spring, do you get itchy or puffy eyes? Sneezing and runny nose? Itchy throat or ears? Cough, irritability and fatigue? If you answered yes to any of these, you may have seasonal allergies! What is Seasonal Allergies? Also known as hay fever, seasonal allergies occur when mold release their spores or pollen is released…
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Ketogenic Diet 101

What is the ketogenic diet? The ketogenic diet consists of getting most of your calories from fats! Infact 70% from fats, 25% from protein and only 5% from carbohydrates. Eating on such low carbohydrates, forces the body to start using fats as its main source of energy instead of carbohydrates. The byproduct of fat metabolism…
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Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes Management

Lifestyle Changes for Diabetes Management     Lifestyle changes for managing diabetes is extremely effective, affordable and safe, but exceptionally difficult to implement. Why? Because our lifestyle is how we’ve been living for years and it revolves around our family, work and routine. When you have been living a certain way for years, it becomes…
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5 Great Habits to Establish in 2017

I get it, resolutions can be hard to stick with. Although I highly encourage setting large goals without limitation, I have found that making small changes end up having the greatest benefit and most lasting effects on health and wellbeing. Start with these simple, yet profound 5 habits to have your best, most fulfilling year…
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A Novel Exciting Approach to Chronic Fatigue

Are you suffering from Chronic Fatigue?  Did you know that: Chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction which leads to an inefficiency in ATP production in our cells. Mitochondria are found inside our body’s cells and are considered the “power houses” that give us energy by breaking down the molecule ATP. Chronic fatigue syndrome is strongly associated with…
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